Friday, August 26, 2011

Santa Barbara Lovin'

A few weeks back, RC, MD and I packed up the car with bikes for a weekend in Santa Barbara, to visit MC, who finally, after traveling the world, settled long enough for us to catch up with her. It was Fiesta in Santa Barbara, and downtown was crazy--a parade, confetti stuffed cascarones (I'm still finding confetti!), tango, and tacos! The four of us are the founding members of Team Tacos and Beer bike team, so of course we headed out for a ride Saturday morning. MC always "forgets" how hilly the ride she suggests (her birthday ride up Mt Tam), and she didn't disappoint us. By the end, the sun was peaking out as we rode along the coast and up, up, up, up to the house. We relaxed by the pool for a bit, got our legs back, and then headed downtown to Fiesta!

Viva la Fiesta!

Heading out!

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