Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Favorites List

1. Wireless mouse. Where have you been my whole life (well, my whole computer-using life)? How come no one told me how great they were?!

2. Sunny mornings. Sunny evenings.

3. Google Maps. I know, it's not new, but I probably use it 3-5 times per day. Bike commuters, like me, can even use it to find best-bike routes. Here in SF, the bus-route option is more accurate than the local bus company's site! I have made city-specific, work maps for my colleagues.

4. Sunset Magazine. Great ideas for West Coast restaurants, outdoor adventures, local shops, gardening projects, recipes.

5. Receiving hand-written notes. I also love sending them too. In our tech world, it's so much easier to send an email, text, twitter, sign in on Foursquare,"Like," etc. But there is something so sweet and comforting about receiving a pretty notecard from one of your favorite people. Love!

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